"2023 Guide: Register as a Self-Employed Worker in Spain"

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"2023 Guide: Register as a Self-Employed Worker in Spain"


Guide to Registering as a Self-Employed Worker in Spain 2023

Starting work in any capacity requires paying taxes on your income to Hacienda and contributing to Social Security. While employees are registered and contribute under the General Regime, self-employed workers do so under the Special Regime for Self-Employed Workers. Today, at Manofix.com, a leading European handyman marketplace similar to airtasker.com, we bring you a detailed guide to registering as a self-employed worker in Spain, 2023.

Table of Contents:

  • The Purpose of Registering as a Self-Employed Worker
  • The Cost of Being Self-Employed in Spain
  • How to Calculate the Monthly Quota to Pay
  • Requirements for Registering as a Self-Employed Worker

1. The Purpose of Registering as a Self-Employed Worker

Registering as a self-employed worker with Social Security and paying your quota allows you to benefit from the protections that the system provides.

Protection Covers:

  • Medical leave for common illness and non-work related accidents
  • Medical leave for professional illness or work-related accidents
  • Childbirth and child care
  • Risks during pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • Permanent incapacity
  • Widowhood and orphanhood
  • Cessation of activity for involuntary reasons
  • Retirement

2. The Cost of Being Self-Employed in Spain

Those in self-employment will need to provide a reference amount to calculate their self-employed quota. This known as the 'categorizing base,' and the self-employed worker will choose it within an annually established minimum and maximum range.

3. How to Calculate the Monthly Quota to Pay

The monthly quota to be paid by self-employed workers will be a 30.3% of your chosen categorizing base. If you meet the requirements, you can access some benefits on the quota, such as the flat rate.

Remember: The categorizing base you select will impact the amount of benefits you are entitled to, including your retirement. The higher your categorizing base, the higher the amount of benefits.

4. Requirements for Registering as a Self-Employed Worker

  • You must be over 18 years old
  • Social Security Number (NUSS) or an Affiliation Number (NAF) dated prior to the self-employment registration to avoid penalties. If you don't have these, you can process it personally at the TGSS or digitally at the Social Security's e-Office using the TA.1 Application Model for social security affiliation, assignment of social security number, and data variation.
  • Identity Document (DNI). If you are not from Spain, you must have your Foreign Identity Number (NIE).
  • Start date of the activity.
  • Contact Information (mobile phone and email).
  • Economic Activity Tax Code (IAE). You can find the code that identifies your activity when you register your business with Hacienda through models 036 and 037. You can do it yourself on the Tax Agency website, or go to a manager to process it.
  • National Classification of Economic Activities Code (CNAE).
  • Bank account number for direct debit payments (IBAN).

*Source: Official website of the General Treasury of Social Security, Government of Spain.

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