Create a cozy space for your work from home

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Create a cozy space for your work from home

It is no secret to anyone that the Cozy Houses have had great popularity worldwide and more in the last year where we have gone from spending most of our time working or doing activities outside our home to spending most of the time in She, this due to the recent coronavirus pandemic, a fact that has undoubtedly arranged us to look for alternatives to have greater comfort in our homes, something that is achieved in the cozy decorative concept in which we create warm and comforting environments, which they invite you to stay at home.
Now it has become common to work from home, almost all of us reinvent our spaces to create a working space and manage our obligations from our home.
Every time more companies have begun to implement this online-work methodology, where in this way, they take care of the workers well-being by not expose them to circumstances where they are vulnerable to diseases contagion.
Every day the number of people who perform a work function from home increases, which is why the new decorative trends is an inspiration source that have had great progress and recognitions, supplying the needs that are currently presented. That is why today I would like to give you some advice that will help you create spaces with the cozy style your home needs, from furniture and colors, to the textures that create cozy environments for your workspace, now let's start.

Warm lighting is very important if you want to create cozy environments, the light must be integrated into the decoration of the house and be part of it.One way is to get as much quality and natural light as possible, this helps to convey a feeling of joy and positivity, an example could be decorative candles. You have to understand that light has an effect on the emotional and physical state of people, so you should pay attention to these details.
For the furniture you should focus on the material, the more organic and natural possible is the best, try to use light materials or wood color this will bring the freshness of nature to your home or workspace, and will help you eliminate the stress that this spaces usually bring.
For the colors choice, keep in mind the light and cozy colors, you can mix them with Nordic colors, or use earth colors to highlight places, they are usually the best option.
Bring nature to the interior
As I mentioned before with the furniture, it is not too much to integrate some plants into the decoration, it will help you to give life and color to the spaces. I recommend that you distribute plants on shelves or counters, in a way that they are easy to move.
Same as what i was saying with the illumination, it is important that you use natural fire, something that can be very charming for creating warm spaces, this can be achieved with a fireplace or even few candles.
Soft Fabrics
The use of soft fabrics with a comfortable texture in both furniture and curtains will give a great feeling of comfort in your space. This soft fabrics can be cotton or animal skin type fabrics, is demonstrate that they help you create that type of confortable environement.Remember the cozy style, you can fit it into your lifestyle and create spaces with which you really feel comfortable and happy with, the idea is to feel confortable spending time at home.
The walls material can be wood, natural stones or wicker, any natural texture is well received. In addition I think this materials bring personality to the spaces.

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