How to demonstrate your work and professionalism to others?

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How to demonstrate your work and professionalism to others?

Create a photo album of your work to improve your profile.

Why is it important to add photos of your tasks?

It is the best way to make yourself known and get new customers.
Your environment and your clients already know your working way, your abilities and your talent, but nevertheless; How to demonstrate your work and professionalism to others?
The most direct and easy way is by sight. In Manofix it is important to write a good profile where you detail all your skills, but the way so that they can really verify who you are, are the photos. That is why it is so important to take care of your profile and have a good photo album, since it will open many doors and bring many jobs.

Your Manofix profile is your showcase, take advantage of it.

You have to understand that it is not always easy for clients to trust a handyman from an online profile, without any physical contact, especially when they are looking for someone to tear down their walls or change the pipes. Reassure them, show them that you have not become a handyman overnight and that you have real experience.
Thus, by adding photos of your achievements, you will complete your profile and gain credibility. For a client who hesitates between multiple profiles, finding concrete proof of your skill, competence and talent can be interpreted as a guarantee of quality and tip the balance in your favor.

So we are going to give you some tips to improve your profile and your photos.

    -Quality before quantity. Most clients just want to quickly and easily see the types of jobs you can do. To demonstrate your capabilities, it is better to select between 4 and 8 good photos of your best work than to post photos of all of them.
  1. -Before and after. A good way for clients to get an idea of ​​your work and capabilities is to take photos before and after your visit, so they can see the difference.
  2. -Working. If you work with a partner or you can in any way, supporting the camera or mobile somewhere, it is always good to have a photo where you are seen working. So apart from your work, they can see you in action and in that way, seem closer and generate more confidence.
  3. -Amplitude. When you take the photos, if it is with a camera, use a wide angle and if it is with the mobile, make them as far away as possible. So the client can have a broader vision and see all the work in a single photo.

For more tips, check out the rest of the Super Blog.
Now to your cameras. Ready, steady, flash!"

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