"Maximise your Premium Tasker Profile: A Comprehensive Guide"

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"Maximise your Premium Tasker Profile: A Comprehensive Guide"

Manofix: Unlock your full potential with Tasker Premium

At Manofix, continuously finding ways to innovatively enhance your experience is a commitment we take seriously. This is why we recently rolled out the Tasker Premium feature - a unique platform designed for our taskers to showcase who they are, their talents, and passions. It's user-friendly, visual, and geared towards curating in the shortest time possible your brand story that sets you apart from the rest.

Getting the Most Out of Your Tasker Premium Profile

Today, we'd love to share tips on how you can maximize your Tasker Premium profile and create a powerful presentation that truly defines you and your craftsmanship:

1. Select Your Jobs Wisely

A compelling Tasker Premium profile prioritizes quality over quantity. We advise focusing on those jobs that best reflect your professional abilities. To increase the odds of being hired, your profile should be versatile, open, and demonstrate the full range of skills and tools you master, giving precedence to variety.

2. Craft Your Descriptions

Aside from the visual aspect, a good Tasker Premium profile should provide context to each job you've added. How? By briefly outlining the task performed and including essential details about the process.

3. Capture High-Quality Photos

Your Tasker Premium profile is a 100% visual tool. Hence, all uploaded images should be clear and of good quality. Here's a quick list of simple tips to help you swiftly learn how to take the best photos with your phone:
  • Keep your lens spotless: Always clean your lens before taking any photo- a small detail often overlooked that can dramatically decrease the sharpness of your photos.
  • Hold the phone firmly: Ideally, hold it with both hands and press the shutter using the screen button- it prevents unnecessary vibrations.
  • Lighting: For top quality, aim for an environment with good lighting- it should be uniform without too much contrast between lights and shadows.
  • Avoid using zoom.
  • Never use built-in flash.
  • Avoid using a filter for your pictures.
  • Editing: Small adjustments can improve images- lights, shadows, contrast, or saturation. But remember, the more you edit, the more quality you lose.

4. Request Reviews

When it comes to attracting new clients, few tools are as effective as reviews. Use them to prove your solid experience and your general rapport with clients. Remember, it's always a good gesture to appreciate users who leave comments about you.

5. Keep Your Profile Updated

Last but not least, keep your profile up-to-date. Include recent jobs and stay tuned to new experiences or trends that could enhance your initially presented pitch.

Now that you're equipped with all the basics on maximizing your Tasker Premium profile, it's time to put these tips into action. Sign up today or log in and start doing things differently with Manofix.

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