Solar energy, install a solar panel at home

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Solar energy, install a solar panel at home

Every day it is more common to hear about bid for self-sustainable housing due to climate changes, global warming and environmental pollution. Finding ways to mitigate the impact we generate on our home with our electronic devices and appliances has been one of the most discussed topics.
This has ceased to be a problem since solar panels entered the market, providing a reliable alternative that turns out to be good for both sides, economy and the environment. In addition, the sun is a great source of natural energy, it could be said that even unlimited, generating in an hour the same energy that we use in a year around the world, this makes us think about the amount of money that can be saved and the decrease in the environmental impact if we take advantage of this sustainable energy. It would radically improve our quality of life and contribute saving the planet.
Advantages of installing a solar panel in our home.
As I have already shown you before, the advantages of having a solar panel system are lots, but I would like to tell you more about it:

  1. It is friendly to the environment. Profit the sun power does not cause any type of pollution
  2. Reduce electricity costs. The energy will be stored in Batteries so you can use it at any time without increasing the cost of your bills.
  3. Generates power silently
  4. Low maintenance costs, if you plan to implement a solar system in your home, we recommend that you leave it to professionals, this will guarantee a useful 20 years life for your system, without generating excessive expenses in maintenance or changes in the panels.
  5. There is Availability throughout the world, solar radiation is present throughout the planet, so if you are in a region close to the poles there is still the possibility of obtaining energy through the solar panel system.
  6. Increase the value of your house considerably, installing solar panels is a great investment in a short, medium and long term, thanks to the fact that having a renewable energy system increases the value in the market of your propiety, in addition to providing you with savings on your electricity bills.
  7. You can avoid unexpected power outages in your home due to electrical networks damage by storms. This characteristic is very beneficial if you are working online or have small children, because you will need constant energy flow.
  8. It can be installed on the ceiling and on the walls of your house, so it will not take you space.

Now that you know the wide range of advantages that brings having a solar system to your home, probably your have to be thinking that the installation must be expensive or that it may take too much work ... Which is not entirely true, since being prefabricated panels, It would only take an installation process carried out and endorsed by professionals, for which I will give you a small guide so that you can have an idea and have everything ready when the company comes to install them.

Panels Installation
First you should know that there is a stage prior to the installation, in this you must obtain a Photovoltaic proposal by specialists and professions based on the possibilities of your home and the current consumption of electricity, this is different in each particular case since all We have needs and we carry out different activities, in addition to the fact that the house has a particular construction and structural system, which must be coupled with the main approach of your proposal for a solar panel system, and verify that the minimum requirements are met.

After having agreed on the proposal, it must be taken to the town hall or planning department for verification and approval. Once this has been done, the installation process can begin.As we made clear before, the process will be carried out by professionals to obtain an optimal duration and functionality of the system. With that said let's start with the step by step:

  1. Place the solar panels on the previously established surfaces, this structure may vary depending on the site, the inclination and location, this must be assessed by the technician in charge of the installation.
  2. We continue to place the solar panels on the supports so that they are connected to both, the roof of the house and the surface where we place them.
  3. In the third step, the electric inverter will be connected to the solar panels, its main function is to transform the solar energy or solar radiation captured into direct current that we can use in our home.
  4. And finally, the fourth step that can be optional, is to put batteries which will be rechargeable with the solar panels, so you can store electricity in higher solar concentration seasons to use it when you need.

You will be able to realize that the installation process is not very complex and there are many advantages in your home when opting for a renewable and environmentally friendly energy source such as solar energy obtained by solar panels.

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