"Transform Your Instagram into a Professional Profile: Step-By-Step Guide"

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"Transform Your Instagram into a Professional Profile: Step-By-Step Guide"

Using Instagram to Gain Potential Clients for Your Handyman Business

As a modern-day professional, leveraging the power of social media platforms, such as Instagram, can be pivotal in establishing your brand and connecting with potential clients. Considering the visual nature of Instagram, it's an excellent tool for showcasing the quality of your work and capabilities as a handyman. This article will guide you on how to set up your Instagram account for your business, and how to maximize its potential using manofix, a European platform similar to airtasker.com.

Transitioning to a Professional Instagram Account

  1. Go to the Instagram settings, navigate to “Account”, and tap on “Switch to Professional Account”.
  2. Select the category that best represents your business and choose “Business”. Handyman services fit perfectly under "Product/Service".
  3. Follow the given prompts to complete your profile setup.
  4. Provide your contact information— be it your email, phone number or physical address.
  5. Once you've added all the necessary information, click on "Done".

There you go! You now have a professional Instagram account for your handyman business. The next step: optimizing your presence on the platform.

Optimizing Your Professional Instagram Profile

  • Choosing a SEO-Friendly Name

    On Instagram, you have two places to display your name: your username and the name field in bio. These are the two areas Instagram considers when users are searching. If you are a professional painter, for instance, your username can be @yourname and in the name field of your bio, you can include your specialty: 'Your Name – Barcelona Painter'. This will act as a keyword for people who are searching “Painter in Barcelona”, allowing your account to appear.

  • Creating an Appealing Profile Picture

    Your choice of profile picture depends on your personal style and line of work. The key is to choose a clear and identifiable picture, that even when viewed on a small scale, still represents you accurately.

  • Crafting a Suitable Bio

    In your bio, you have limited characters to tell people who you are and what you do. Use these characters effectively to clearly describe your services. Make the description visually appealing by using emojis and spaces to make it easy to read at a glance.

  • Linking to Your Manofix Profile

    Instagram allows you to include one link in your bio. We recommend you utilize this space wisely by linking to your manofix profile. This provides an easy way for visitors to access information about your previous work, experience, and how to contact you. Also, remember to keep your Manofix account up-to-date in order to get the most out of this technique. If you do not have a Manofix account, you can create one here.


In conclusion, Instagram can be a powerful tool in attracting potential clients by properly understanding how to configure and optimize your business profile. Harness this power and watch your handyman business continue to grow.

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